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Season 4 Episode 5: Willow the Royals - Scenes from Episode 5

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Robert proposed to Willow the Royals in the Season 4 finale. Willow accepted the proposal but decided to marry Robert soon after she exposed Robert’s corruption. Robert attempts to convince Willow to accept his way of thinking before the wedding. Robert originally had his words based on a vision he had of his father. Despite his attempts to change Willow's mind, he is ultimately unsuccessful.

Robert proposes Willow

Willow is thrilled to be engaged to Robert but nervous about the proposal. She needs to take some time to reflect on it. Robert tells her that she is concerned about his plans for her marriage. He assures her that the wedding is important to his heart and that it is possible. He has the ability to do good, and she believes he can help her. He wants Willow, his queen, to give him the opportunity to prove his love to her.

They take her out to dinner first. The two share a memorable dinner. Robert asks her to come with him to dinner. They spend the evening together. They have a romantic dinner on a remote estate and toast to their new life. Robert's thoughtfulness impresses Willow so the couple decides to make the plunge. The evening is intense, but Willow is grateful to be spending quality time with her husband.

Cassandra threatens Robert

Willow is shocked when Cassandra tells her that Robert has been having sex. Robert has been seeing women and thinks Cassandra is manipulating his feelings. Willow finds Cassandra uncomfortable. She's also an excellent source of information about Robert.

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Robert threatens his future wife and her family to their deaths in "There's Daggers in Men's Smiles". Cassandra is suspicious and has not given up on Robert's love. Robert then calls Cassandra on her bullshit and says he was wrong. Willow believes that Willow is capable of double-crossing Robert, which is what the writers want viewers believe.

Eleanor confronts Robert to discuss his plans for Parliament

Eleanor is shocked to discover that Liam was in front of the media when Willow tried to steal her weed. She confronts him and he says that he was not supposed to do that. She informs him that she values his view and would like to hear more. Liam apologizes to Willow, but she's not happy to see Robert being betrayed.

Willow is a participant in Queen Helena's historical tribunal. Helena plans to surprise Willow by throwing her a surprise, surprise hen party. Robert uses the stag to gain support for his plans. He plans to end Parliament and create territorial monarchs.

Robert threatens Liam

"Willow. Can you trust Robert?" Queen Eleanor informs the reluctant Princess that Robert is not trustworthy. Willow is torn about marrying for love or for the throne. Although she believed she was marrying the king of England, she didn’t want Robert to be all-powerful over her. Robert proposes to her, and she accepts. She kisses Robert on the lips when she is invited to a family dinner.

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Robert and Willow then spend some time together. Willow and Liam exchange a friendly glance while they celebrate Queen Helena’s Birthday. Robert offers to help them talk about the future and he apologizes. Robert threatens to make arrangements for their children's care. They fall for each other. Robert proposes at Willow the Royals to Liam, delaying the wedding.

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What's the difference between a manufacturer and a distributor?

Produced by a producer, the movie is produced. The movie is distributed through a distributor. Distributors and theaters are two options for producers to sell their movies. Distributors purchase movies directly from producers. Distributors then sell the movies to theaters, cable networks, and streaming services.

Distributors should negotiate with theater owners regarding where their movies are playing. This means that certain movies might be more expensive at some theaters than others. Distributors with multiple theaters are a good choice if your movie needs to be seen by as many people.

What's the difference between an indie film and a foreign language film?

A single filmmaker usually makes an independent film. He or she makes all the decisions.

On the other side, a foreign-language film is normally produced by an even larger production team.

They often hire actors, writer, and directors from abroad.

To ensure the dialogue sounds natural, professional translators are also hired.

How much does it set you back to distribute a feature length film?

A typical distribution deal will cost between $100,000-$150,000.

Theaters cost an average of $10,000.

The average cost per screen is around $5,000.

That means that if you have 100 screens, then your distribution fee would be around $500,000.

Distributor fees of $50,000 would apply if there are ten screens.

Why is Hollywood so famous?

D.W. Griffith founded the first film industry in California in 1887. It was named after its location in Los Angeles, which at the time was known as "Hollywood."

The name stuck because it was such an exciting place for people to visit. It attracted people from all over the world to check out what was happening.

Today, Hollywood is still very much part of our culture. We have movies, television shows, music videos, commercials, etc. They are all called Hollywood.

What made Hollywood famous?

It was easy. It was because they were willing and able to take risks. They had the fortitude to make films that would remain in people's minds for years.

They were also willing to try out new ideas.

What happens if my film fails to perform at the box offices?

There are many possible outcomes if your film fails to perform at the box offices.

First, it is possible to decide to modify how you market the film.

You may also choose to rework your script.

You might also consider adding new characters.

Fourth, you might decide to remove some characters.

Fifth, you might choose to cut scenes.

Sixth, and you might decide that it wasn't worthwhile making the film.

How many movies does Hollywood make a year?

Each year, Hollywood studios produce approximately 3,000 films. It's true, there are three thousand!

Hollywood spends billions advertising these films. They spend millions making them. And they spend millions promoting them. But how many do you think actually end up getting released into theaters?

Most likely, the answer is around 200-300. What happens then to the 2,700+ remaining films? They are either distributed as direct-to–video releases or simply left in storage.

Not all of them will be undiscovered. Some of them were selected for distribution via Netflix Prime, Amazon Prime and Hulu Plus, iTunes or Google Play.

Hence why don't more of these films be released? They are not being released in theaters. They're too costly to produce.

They'd also be cheaper to produce and released in theaters.

Here's where you find me. I will help you find the best possible way to release your film in theaters.

I'll show you how to maximize your return on investment (ROI) and increase your chances of seeing your movie in theaters.

Let's face facts...

It can be hard to get your film into the theaters. The process can be complex and lengthy.

It could also be costly before you even start.

The time frame in which your film can be distributed is also very limited.

There isn't enough time in between the time a movie is finished and when its theatrical run starts.


  • If we translate this to a percentage, we get 28%, so let's be generous and say that ‘Hollywood studios' release about ⅓ of the movies released in the U.S. and Canada each year. (glitteratilobotomy.com)
  • At his encouragement, his sister Sarah Luke, brother-in-law Elisha Luke, with her mother, Azubah, took the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad from Ogden to Los Angeles in November 1885, according to Adrian Weekly Press, November 13, 1885. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • "[116]"38% of films employed 0 or 1 woman in the roles considered, 23% employed two women, 28% employed 3 to 5 women, and 10% employed 6 to 9 women. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • In 2019, that percentage increased to 40 percent. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • The percentage of black female characters went from 16 percent in 2017 to 21 percent in 2018. (en.wikipedia.org)

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How To

How long does the Hollywood Walk of Fame take to visit?

It takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to visit Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

The Hollywood Walk of Fame began in 1960. It consists of 1,400 stars embedded on the sidewalk at Grauman's Chinese Theater. It recognizes people who made a significant contribution to film, television or music. Each star is accompanied with a plaque that includes the individual's name, birthyear, and category.

Hollywood Boulevard has 683 stars at the moment, running from Gower Street through Vine Street. One-third of the stars are posthumously given.

There are many ways to see the stars. You can either walk or take the free transportation provided the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.

To see the entire list of current inductees, visit the official website at www.walkoffame.com/inductee_listing/.


Season 4 Episode 5: Willow the Royals - Scenes from Episode 5